Friday, November 26, 2004

Ok. Enough about the dollar already.

Here's a follow-up to the last post here, very
humorously and informatively written...for those
who don't know how pitiably laughable the hyuman
condition really is. The fellow has a good handle
on the financial events.

A bit long, but it's at least good for a fine guffaw,
watching The Controllers scurrying about out of

Total Fed Credit, which is the fount of from
whence springs all that magical, out-of-thin-air,
fairy-dust money that is the hallmark of the
Greenspan Fed, was up another $3.8 billion in the
last week. The Treasury issued another $3 billion
in actual paper-and-ink cash, which is NOT money
made of fairy dust, but is, instead, money that
is made from actual paper and ink, but which is
just as phony-baloney. All of which is why the G-
20 are all gathering in emergency session to try
and figure out a way to manage this dollar crisis
thing without any of THEIR citizens taking a
whack to the head, and of course we are going to
insist that no AMERICANS will take a whack to the
head, either, meaning that they have to figure
out a way of this mess where nobody has to take a
whack to the head.

The whole rant.

Thanks to L. R. White for this article.