Friday, December 17, 2004

The Idiot Intellectual

The Idiot Intellectual will believe anything
they are told spoken in an academic tone, and are
too stupid to question any of it. Even a rebel is
more respectable


The Idiot Intellectual becomes entrapped in the
surreal by having a false personal stake based
upon emotion. Individual self-concept is buried
beneath a mountain of pseudo-logically derived
inanities. The resultant blindness is consistent


The idiot intellectual will regurgitate anything
presented in a prior approved format. Political
correctness is a prime example. No matter the
absurdity, anything masquerading in those terms
will receive automatic acceptance. Creativity,
despite mediocre attempts and pretenses, does not
exist for such mental blobs, whose main use is
fodder. Unlike others, the Idiot Intellectual has
begged to be meat, and deserve no other use nor
consideration. By discarding their intrinsic
worth, the Idiot Intellectual is doomed to ignite
like a two dimensional paper cartoon[5]. Death to
the stupid[6]!

Now go forth and read this fine piece.