Monday, January 31, 2005

The final battle

The next civil rights battle in America will be
over taxation and regulation.

At some point, people will realize that the
greatest threat to their freedom comes through
onerous taxes and meddlesome regulations. At some
point, Americans will get the government out of
their wallets and out of their lives.

Coming soon, I'd say. The rest of you out there
may want to hurry up. The tax wars between
countries began some time ago in order to attract
capital. Why do you think so much business left
their country of high tax? Not just the US. Sony
has only an administration office left in Japan,
for example.

Every aspect of the production of a product –
and the profitability of the company that
produces it – is taxed. And that tax is
ultimately collected in the purchase price and
comes, ultimately, from your pocket.

Few realize this and I'll say it in different
words: Companies pay no tax. They just collect
it in the form of higher prices, and pass it to
the rulers.
In this, they are supporters of
whatever government does. The wise companies leave
to find less regulation, lower taxes and/or lower
wages to pay to stay competitive.

There's no way to stop their exit.

You can sometimes stop people from entering a country,
but you can't stop 'em from leaving.


Via Bill St. Claire