Sunday, February 27, 2005

Torquemada, Dubya and Putin

Yet, there are thousands, nay, millions who are
saying at this very moment, "If I could only get
my guy in there." Bwahahahaha...
Dubya and Puty Put are peas in a pod and
certainly "share common ground," as ABC News
describes it. Indeed they not only shared a
medieval castle for a few hours but also share a
blood-stained medieval mindset, as epitomized not
only by Byzantine-like wars and crusades complete
with the modern equivalent of plunder and
foraging, but also a system or torture and
brutality that would prompt Tomas de Torquemada,
the inquisitor general of Castile and Aragon, to
take copious notes.

It was shortly after Torquemada that The Church
went cancerous and was never the same.

Creating that many new enemies is not good for
the health of the 'body'.

See any parallels?

Full article.

Thanks to L. R. White