Friday, June 15, 2007

Carving you up, making more cannibal stew

...or a look at gangland.
Remember those old photographs taken during World War II, with Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt, plus selected others, posing as masters of the universe? The victors were meeting to carve up Europe, divide the spoils, plan the future, map out a plan for our lives.

Of course they created a political and economic disaster, which is what happens when mere mortals come to believe themselves to be gods.

But there is something about those photographs that continues to inspire political leaders all over the world. They are forever cobbling together grand summits to negotiate important things on a global scale. If there are no issues, they invent them. The supreme goal: to appear in the history books. And the power and money that come in the meantime isn’t a bad thing either.

And so we are represented at the G-8 meeting by Bush the Great, who this time decided two things, both of which are going to cost you plenty.
Whole report.