Saturday, November 27, 2004


The other day I found Transtopia. Not bad, not bad
at all. I took their test and here are the results
they spit back at me:

MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 04 (0-4): the pinnacle.
Transtopian, or pretty close to it. Progressive
and hardcore with very few taboos. Looks like we
have a WINNER here (either that or a major CHEAT)!

Now I gotta say, I ain't a member of any org (say
"org" a coupla times to yourself. Sounds obscene
to me. And why does it rhyme with Borg?).
Voluntary membership to any org is against
my "religion", what little of it I have so I held
a membership card-burning party years ago. Got
blitzed. It was one of the most significant events
of my life.

The only membership I acknowledge is to the human
race and no cards are required. Much of the time
I'm not very proud of that membership but I really
don't have much to say about it, except to sit at
this keyboard and rant.

Now back to the point of this post.

Take the test found in the link below and post your
results in the comment section at the bottom of this

Whadyasay? Don't just sit there. Do it...or not.

"Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you."
...ala the Julie Andrews chick. Wasn't she the one
that sung that tune?

The test.