Friday, December 03, 2004

The powers that be have lost control

Liz Michael - The American Empire On Its Deathbed

I doubt they've ever had control...

All the various moves you are seeing now are not
the moves of someone "in control". They are the
moves of a group of people that have suddenly
discovered they have lost control. And are
desperately trying to get it back.

Totalitarians in control wouldn't be intimidated
by a little anthrax spread around Washington DC.
Totalitarians would stand and fight. The Congress
did not stand and fight. They RAN, and they ran
like scalded dogs. The rest of the government
also ran. These are the actions, not of people in
control of a master plan, but of people in panic:
people who have suddenly discovered they DON'T
control what's going on.

Liz is right in this. I've said it a number of times
myself in various ways here and on my previous

We live in anarchy. Always have and probably always

Almost no one knows it.


These people are not only afraid of foreign
terrorists. These people are afraid of you and
me. They are afraid of the press. They are afraid
of the political activists. They are afraid of
the pacifists. They are afraid of their own
shadows. They are not in control of anything.

Liz is right about a lot of things but fooling
around in politics (running for office) is like
taking up lodging in a house of vampires.

Pretty soon you are one.

We know how that works, eh?