Monday, February 07, 2005

More about power from another visionary

The power elite have grown arrogant. Their
system is declining toward eventual failure.
Their blunders are magnified as accomplishments
are diminished. Enemies, both internal and
external, are created daily. Conspiracy is as
unnecessary as it is impossible; only collusion
has potential. Do nothing. Let religious fanatics
do the dirty work.[1] The after life. Apathy
kills. In the end, as everything falls apart on
its own, the power elite will be stunned–the
possibility will never occurred [sic] to them–and
I will laugh at their inbred brows furrowed in a
vain attempt to understand that which they

So will I.

Endless pages will be used to describe The Fall,
plenty of blah, blah, blah.

The short version.