Thursday, March 03, 2005

Ramblin' Jo

Conspiracies to rule the world or control a major


They're aren't enough controllers to pull it off.
The world's population has doubled since 1960. Too
many people and actions to control.

Maybe at one time conspiracies existed. There's
no way to know. It's all just bald assertion

Doesn't matter. The solution's the same.

Everything´s running on auto and out of control...
of everybody else, but you.

To paraphrase Wolf de Voon, there are 7,000 cops
in Los Angeles, a city of 7 million. All the cops
can do is pick up the dead and hope everyone else
argues quietly. Seems to work.

On the other hand, system self-destruct appears
imminent as it just keeps getting bigger and more
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (AP) - In a rare public
appearance Wednesday, CIA Director Porter Goss
said he is overwhelmed by the many duties of his
job, including devoting five hours out of every
day to prepare for and deliver intelligence
briefings to President Bush.
"The jobs I'm being asked to do, the five hats
that I wear, are too much for this mortal, Goss
"I'm a little amazed at the workload."

What will be the result?

Do you have your donkey yet?

Thanks to L.R. White for the url.