Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The why of the End of the Nation-state

In the mid-1970s, when I first read E.O.
Wilson’s path-breaking books, Sociobiology: The
New Synthesis, and On Human Nature, I realized
that science was going to resolve all political
debates about the proper structure of society.
Biologists, zoologists, and geneticists were
accumulating incontrovertible scientific evidence
that would destroy nearly universal belief that
individual humans are blank slates that can be
programmed to sacrifice for the common good.
Molecular biology alone proved that human nature
had been crafted by millions of years of
evolution, hardwired by a genetic programming
that could not be simply rewritten by social
The mounting biological evidence led clearly to
the conclusion that social systems, such as
socialism and communism, that required
individuals to devote their lives to the good of
the community were inconsistent with the
biological nature of man.
Back in the late 1970s I wrote that the victory
of the free market over the government-controlled
market would not come from political action or
from educating the masses to the profitability of
freedom. Rather the victory would come from an
unexpected source: the biology departments of
universities around the world. Today, biologists
are making startling breakthroughs in
understanding the human genome, and from them is
coming the proof that no social system can
function long that requires individuals to
sacrifice their own self interest for the good of
the group. The concept of building a durable
civilization arguing that individuals should
willing submit to taxation and regulation will be
buried by science.
[My emphasis]
As the science of evolutionary psychology
matures, it will be the final catalyst to the
free-market movement. "Political economics" will
dissolve into the disciplines of biology and
psychology, and lead to the birth of a social
structure in which the sovereign nation-state
won’t be overthrown by voting or by violence, but
will simply wither away. Time and the
accumulation of knowledge are moving mankind
inexorably towards a world in which individuals
will be sovereign.

Expect denial of this from almost all quarters even
long after it's a fait accompli.

Controllers have nothing to lose, attempting to
protect their sinecure, riding on your backs, all
the while telling you that that's in your
best interest.

The whole essay.