Friday, March 04, 2005

Why not let it all hang out?

(PRWEB) March 2, 2005 -- During the past five
years, blogging has exploded from virtual non-
existence into an important and influential
sociocultural force. Recent survey data indicate
that there are now nearly 10 million bloggers,
90% of whom are between the ages of 13 and 29
years old. This incredible upsurge in activity
has caused us to wonder: What effect is all this
blogging having on the brains of bloggers?
Blogging is ideally suited to follow the plan
for promoting creativity advocated by pioneering
molecular biologist Max Delbruck. Delbruck's
"Principle of Limited Sloppiness" states we
should be sloppy enough so that unexpected things
can happen, but not so sloppy that we can't find
out that it did. Raw, spontaneous, associational
thinking has also been advocated by many
creativity experts, including the brilliant
mathematician Henri Poincare who recommended
writing without much thought at times "to awaken
some association of ideas."

This a fine article. Read it all and think about
it. It hit me where I live.

I've thought about this for awhile. To me, blogging
is about self-expression -- as are the other
arts -- using intuition and analysis, creating
something even if it's wrong...and there's plenty
of the latter.

That's life, ain't it. Ya stumble, pick yoursef up
and dust yoursef off and go out and do it again.
Is there another way?

Do you suppose if 10 million bloggers pounded their
keyboards long enough, one of 'em would create The
Theory of Everything? (Yea, I said "one".)

If you're not blogging, why not jump in and stir
the pot?

Let it all hang out, then tell me about it here.

You don't have to be popular. You only have to feel
good about what you do.

Excellent article.