Monday, May 30, 2005

A timeless tale of woe

"No," he answered me. "I'm going back because
I've seen this before." He then commenced to
explain that when he was a kid, he watched with
his family in fear as Hitler's government
committed atrocity after atrocity, and no one was
willing to say anything. He said the news refused
to question the government, and the ones who did
were not in the newspaper business much longer.
He said good neighbors, people he had known all
his life, turned against his family and other
Jews, grabbing on to the hate and superiority "as
if they were starved for it" (his words).

He said he was too old to see it happen right in
front of his eyes again, and too old to do
anything about it, so he was taking his family
back to Europe on Thursday where they would be
safe from George W. Bush and his neocons. He
seemed resolute, but troubled, nonetheless, as if
being too young on one end and too old on the
other to fight what he saw happening was wearing
on him.

The man is right to vote with his feet, but here's
the kicker, the missing link.

Der Bush is just one player in a string of player's
or Muppets in this show and yet there isn't one in
a thousand who objects to His Rule who isn't waiting
til he gets His Man in office, thinking "my guy
will make it aw better".

No, the stage was set quite a while ago.

Meanwhile, the fat lady is still warming up offstage,
no matter how warm and fuzzy or mean and heartless
the current Muppet.

The short of it.

Thanks to L. Reichard White