Monday, August 07, 2006

Far beyond Castro

Most Americans look at Castro as a great evil
dictator, but I see markable resemblences between
his wielding of power and the power which has been
taken by the US Federal body. Castro has promoted
the following that is very similar to where the US
is heading:

* Federal funded Social Security
* Federally funded education
* Federal wealth “equalization” through taxation
* Terrorist treatment — revocation of due process, no right to an attorney, no juries, secret courts and trials (military tribunals)
* Massive federal budget dedicated to military “defense”

Note how this article is not about just Fidel. Dada,
the author, sees The Big Picture too...
When Bush leaves office, he’ll leave
to his successor a government that is bigger than
it was when he took office, just as Clinton did
for Bush, and just as Bush I did for Clinton. We
can follow this process back to Lincoln — every
President takes office with more power than the
previous President did. When Mark Warner grabs
the baton from G.W. Bush, he’ll be more powerful
than Bush was, and he’ll have more State-created
problems to try to annihilate with more State


Now look around blogdom and tell me how many
are continuing to look for A New Savior of Their
Flavor of Government.

The Circus continues...

Full article.