Thursday, March 03, 2005

The shell game continues, a study in plunder

This is the guts of the article. I'm sure most
everyone will forget this when howls for thievery
(tax) "reform" are heard round the land...
Details of how a consumption tax would work,
either as a stand-alone system or in combination
with an income tax, aren't entirely clear. Tax
experts say, however, that a national sales tax
alone would not work.
[My emphasis]

For one thing, to ensure that government tax
coffers remain full, the sales tax rate would
have to be high -- some say in the range of 27
percent or so. Bush has asked the any solution
from the panel be 'revenue neutral,' meaning they
would neither increase nor lower the overall
amount of tax dollars collected by the federal

Expect your total tax to go up.

The article.