Woe is them, Part IV
After 26 years of showcasing Army talent, the
All-Army Battle of Bands and the Stars of
Tomorrow contests have been called off because of
a lack of funding.
Full report.
For the individual wanting to break free of the unending sea of collectives and institutions contending for his soul...and more...put together by a Visionary Philosopher, so I've been told. Maybe you want to stay tuned to see if that's true... with notes on The End of the Nation State.
After 26 years of showcasing Army talent, the
All-Army Battle of Bands and the Stars of
Tomorrow contests have been called off because of
a lack of funding.
The supporters of state-managed trade make a
huge mistake -- they believe states, rather than
individuals and companies -- trade. But nations
do not trade; this is one of the glaringly stupid
myths that the world of nation states foists upon
us. What is wrong with allowing the traders
themselves to decide the terms of trade? Every
time they trade?
Government affects the economy in three major
1. by taxation and spending,
2. by regulation, and
3. by control of money and banking.
Taxation is economic hemophilia. It drains the
economy of capital which might otherwise be used
to increase both consumer satisfaction and the
level of production and thus raise the standard
of living. Taxing away this money either prevents
the standard of living from rising to the heights
it normally would or actually causes it to drop.
Since productive people are the only ones who
make money, they are the only ones from whom
government can get money. Taxation must
necessarily penalize productivity.
Roman history shows how recognition of these
things lags behind the facts. Generations passed
before people recognized that the Republic was
truly dead. America has violated the initial
conditions the founders considered necessary for
a republic.
The predominate reaction of the Romans to the
death of the Republic was resignation, as seen in
the popular philosophies of the Empire: Stoicism,
Epicureanism, Hedonism, and Christianity.
The creditors of Russian oil company Yukos, led
by federal tax authorities and state-controlled
Rosneft Oil Company, rejected recovery plan
proposed by the company’s management and voted to
declare Yukos bankrupt. On Tuesday, July 25, 93.9
percent of the company’s creditors voted in favor
of bankruptcy, while 5.63 percent voted against.
Beliefs that are irrational, required, universal
and absolute will always put swords in the hands
of men. Illogical and anti-empirical beliefs
cannot be validated by external and objective
factors. Two scientists who disagree on a theory
can resolve their dispute via the scientific
method; they can defer to logic and reproducible
experiments–they do not have to bomb each other
into submission. Mathematicians can disagree over
a proposition, but in the end it is not
personal–it is not the dominance of one over the
others, but of logic and proof over one, or all.
The free market runs on the same principle.
“Value” is not decided by committees, or leaders,
but by individual decisions. If I think that my
product is better than yours, I don’t have to
blow up your offices, just appeal to the
consumer, the final arbiter. Consumers don’t have
to burn down a Ford plant if they prefer
Volvos–individual decisions determine the value
and success of each company.
In religion, politics and nationalism, things
are very different, because no objective method
exists to resolve disputes. Who can prove that
“Jewish” is better than “Christian” or “Muslim”
or “Buddhist”? How can these absolute and
irrational fantasies ever be reconciled in
reality? They are impervious to logic and
experimentation. Universal truth is willed, not
proven. This irrationality creates instability,
hostility and the endless desire for expansion.
The more collectivist a society becomes, the more
expansionistic it becomes. Witness Israel,
Islam–and America.
We like to lie to ourselves a lot about why we
do things, because often our true purpose isn’t
very nice or noble and doesn’t fit the ideal
image we have of ourselves. You can’t know what
your will is if you lie to yourself. There should
always be at least one person with whom you are
completely open and painfully honest, and that
person should be you. Give yourself permission to
be imperfect, and realize that if what you see
when you look inside isn’t very pretty — well,
that too is your will. Besides, nobody else has
to know your ugly, secret truths if you don’t
want them to — and everybody else has their
horrid little secrets. It’s called being human.
Cut yourself some slack. It goes good on crackers.
If you’re going to do something, whether saintly
or despicable, do it right. Step one is to know
what you’re trying to do.
“Do what thou wilst shall be the whole of the
law” means to live on purpose, and doing that
lets you live better than you can if you just
stumble your way through.
This news is a bit old...
Fifty years to the day from the discovery of the
structure of DNA, one of its co-discoverers has
caused a storm by suggesting that stupidity is a
genetic disease that should be cured.
I think it is time to close the universities,
and perhaps prosecute the professoriat under the
RICO act as a corrupt and racketeering-influenced
organization. Universities these days have the
moral character of electronic churches, and as
little educational value. They are an
embarrassment to civilization.
The truth is that universities positively
discourage learning. Think about it. Suppose you
wanted to learn Twain. A fruitful approach might
be to read Twain. The man wrote to be read, not
analyzed tediously and inaccurately by begowned
twits. It might help to read a life of Twain. All
of this the student could do, happily, even
joyously, sitting under a tree of an afternoon.
This, I promise, is what Twain had in mind.
The Covenant of Unanimous Consent
"Thus, with no clear alternative in sight, the
financial health of other countries and
currencies is heavily dependent on the US dollar
Ponzi scheme. If the dollar goes down, they go
with it, and as with the prisoner's dilemma,
everybody is afraid to make the first move - the
first one to abandon the dollar could set off a
chain reaction that would backfire and affect
them as well. Thus, the dollar's demise might
take a bit longer than common sense would
suggest, as everybody is trying to evade the
unpopular repercussions."
He goes on to say "Nevertheless, it is
inevitable, and that is why the GCC (Gulf
Cooperation Council) countries need to
contemplate a diversification into other
currencies and gold sooner rather than later."
As soon as he said that the GCC needs to
"contemplate a diversification into other
currencies and gold sooner rather than later", my
brain went into an infinite loop, and time and
space meant nothing to me. I remember thinking,
"He just finished telling us that these
foreigners should get out of dollars and into
gold, and then he tells us that there is not
enough sheer volume of other currencies to soak
up the mountains of dollars that you want to get
out of! That leaves only gold! The guys who are
going to be charging $200 a barrel for oil going
into gold? Wowee!"
Also unclear is why black highlighters were
chosen in the first place. Some blame it on the
closed, elite culture of the CIA itself. A former
CIA officer speaking on the condition of
anonymity said highlighting documents with black
pens was a common and universal practice.
"It seemed counterintuitive, but the higher-ups
didn't know what they were doing," the ex-officer
said. "I was once ordered to feed documents into
a copying machine in order to make backups of
some very important top-secret records, but it
turned out to be some sort of device that cut the
paper to shreds."
Roads and bridges built by U.S. taxpayers are
starting to be sold off, and so far foreign-owned
companies are doing the buying.
Washington is not likely to produce more money
to build roads. The federal highway fund — which
will have a balance of about $16 billion by the
end of 2006 — will run out in 2009 or 2010,
according to White House and congressional
"This fire season, we have expended $60 million
for all the resources we have ordered," said
Bobby Young, Texas Forest Service associate
director of resource protection. "For an agency
with a $7.5 million budget, this has us more than
Will The Hive Mind turn the Middle Eastern
In a survey in March, the NCSL found that at
least 10 states expect to have deficits in 2007.
The next year, the number jumps to at least 19.
The state, like others in the Northeast, is hard
pressed to find more revenues. In the past, Reed
points out, New Jersey has relied on tax hikes on
the wealthy. "Now there are reports that high
taxes are influencing wealthy people's decision
on where to live," she says. Yet another sign
that the tax-the-rich strategy is a problem: "The
state has the largest decline of high-paying
jobs. Most of the new jobs are lower wages," says
Always late, the "official" announcement, and a
A ballooning budget deficit and a pensions and
welfare timebomb could send the economic
superpower into insolvency, according to research
by Professor Laurence Kotlikoff for the Federal
Reserve Bank of St Louis, a leading constituent
of the US Federal Reserve.
According to his central analysis, "the US
government is, indeed, bankrupt, insofar as it
will be unable to pay its creditors, who, in this
context, are current and future generations to
whom it has explicitly or implicitly promised
future net payments of various kinds''.
"The member of a primitive clan might express his
It's time to stop blaming wars on loose
historical facts, but instead blame them on the
regimes that start them. After all, history
doesn't start wars; governments do.
I've seen this seething undercurrent up close.
When international agencies jet their
consultants to the gleaming glass towers of the
elegant quadrants of town to meet with the local
"private sector," they’re talking to only a
fraction of the entrepreneurial world. The
emerging economic powers of the developing world
are the garbage collectors, the appliance
manufacturers, and the illegal construction
companies in the streets far below.
The American [past] experience is very much like
what is going on today in the Third World and the
formerly communist countries: The official law
has not been able to keep up with popular
initiative, and government has lost control.
Third Worlders are organized in modern-day claim
clubs, and their governments have begun to give
them preemption rights.
Gentlemen, the time is coming when there will be
two great classes, Socialists, and Anarchists.
The Anarchists want the government to be nothing,
and the Socialists want government to be
everything. There can be no greater contrast.
Well, the time will come when there will be only
these two great parties, the Anarchists
representing the laissez faire doctrine and the
Socialists representing the extreme view on the
other side, and when that time comes I am an
Anarchist. --William Graham Sumner
If string theory made a prediction that didn't
accord with physical reality, stringsters could
say it's correct in one of these other universes.
As a result, writes Prof. Smolin, "string theory
cannot be disproved." By the usual standards,
that would rule it out as science.
A diversion of dollars to help fight the war in
Iraq has helped create a $530 million shortfall
for Army posts at home and abroad, leaving some
unable to pay utility bills or even cut the grass.
In San Antonio, Fort Sam Houston hasn't been
able to pay its $1.4 million monthly utility bill
since March, prompting workers in many of the
post's administrative buildings to get automated
disconnection notices.
"Benevolent global hegemony," as William Kristol
and Robert Kagan memorably put it in their 1996
foreign policy manifesto, is just a fancy phrase
for bankruptcy. By the time our indubitable
"benevolence" is globalized, the costs of
hegemony will have driven us into complete
The past history of human belief is a cautionary
tale. We have killed thousands of our fellow
human beings because we believed they had signed
a contract with the devil, and had become
witches. We still kill more than a thousand
people each year for witchcraft. In my view,
there is only one hope for humankind to emerge
from what Carl Sagan called "the demon-haunted
world" of our past. That hope is science.
But as Alston Chase put it, "when the search for
truth is confused with political advocacy, the
pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for
I spent some time on this 222 megapixel photo,
I'm posting this primarily because it appears
The Bush administration has finally confirmed my
point. Showing the same irresoluteness that kept
shifting the rationale for the war against Iraq,
the White House has now changed the name of the
conflict that was, according to Mr. Bush, to last
forever. The “War on Terror” is now redesignated
the “Global Struggle Against Extremism!” No
announcement has been made as to who won the war
that was as magisterially ended as it had begun.
Nor is there any explanation as to why the
administration has deviated from White House
Chief of Staff Andrew Card’s previous political
marketing advice: “you don’t introduce a new
product in August.” The War on Terror has been
meeting with increased consumer sales resistance,
leaving those who trade in death and destruction
to come out with new and larger repackaging.
Neither the people of Iraq nor American soldiers
will notice any change in their daily lives, of
course. The killing and destruction will
continue, but under a different rationale. Have
you observed how quickly the media and
politicians incorporated the new terminology into
their public liturgies, substituting the word
“extremism” where “terrorism” was once employed?
Well-trained actors are quick to adjust to script
Don't ask me who "Z" is.
"One more message, dirtbags, so that you learn
to respect."
Note attached to the severed heads of
policemen/soldiers found in front of government
buildings in Acapulco Mexico. Courtesy of Z.
Fiscally, the state is completely terminal.
There is no way in God’s green acre that the
national debt is ever going to be paid off –
we’re going in completely the wrong direction for
that! And all debts that escalate end up in
So when a statist says to me that we need the
government, or the government should do ‘X’ or
‘Y’, it could be arguable I guess, but it seems
rather… irrelevant. It’s like getting a call from
a man who’s jumped naked out of plane telling you
he needs a parachute. Sure you do. But you
haven’t got one, and it’s far too late to reverse
that now, isn’t it?
The facts are clear, the math is clear, the lack
of political will is clear, the self-interest of
our rulers is clear – the government is dead.
Dead, dead, dead. Sure, might look OK from the
outside, but it’s already starting to smell.