Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I've been meaning to write this for some time in
anticipation of being tagged to spill my tripe
here on my favorite this or that. I should have
posted this earlier, but my first name is The
Procrastinator and now Vache Folle has gone and
done it.

Save your fingers, all ye who would tag me. I'm
not playing. I have my own agenda. You want to
know more about me, come on back and read,
particularly read thru the "Powerful links"
section on the right panel. These are some of the
thoughts that blow my skirt up.

If you've come here for anything other than ideas
you've wasted your time. If you want "nice" go
for just one example of many.


Don't we already know what "nice" is and where to
find it?

This is an "idea" blog. Ideas rule. They live
forever in the fine turn of a phrase.

Now, don't get me wrong, Vache. I like reading
you. You're one of the good guys who thinks
with clarity.

I suppose I've got over 100 favorite books but
going thru the routine of listing some reminds me
too much of a high school assignment. That was
long ago and far away in more ways than I want to


This is my rifle, this is my gun. Blogging is for
fun. So is my gun.

Sincerely ornery,
